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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 6-10 marathon training

Wow I really did not realize how far behind I am on updating my awesome followers on my training. Since the last time I posted I have had an amazing Pizza Inn fundraiser where I earned $260 for Leukemia and Lymphoma society. It was a great success and I really saw all the love and support I have out there. 

As far as training goes I am trying to push harder than ever. I have been in the gym the last two weeks or so because I realized I really needed to gain strength. Two weekends ago I ran 12 miles and around mile 11 my back began to give me trouble. From that point on I knew I had to get stronger. This past weekend I ran 8.25 miles. My 8 mile route passes my parents house and so from mile 4- 5 they ran/ walked with me. I am so proud of them and how far they have come. 

On my run today I was thinking who my biggest influences are for getting in shape and three people came to mind. First my husband, he is such an amazing inspiration. He has taught me so much about becoming healthy. He is always encouraging me even when I'm tired. I am so proud of the lifestyle he lives, I know being healthy will help us to live longer lives together. The other two people are my parents, wow have things have changed in the way they live their lives over the past 19 months. In January 2012 my dad had a massive heart attack. Since then they have started eating much healthier and working out three times a week. They both look amazing. I think we truly encourage each other, because they are also training to run a 5k (3.1 miles) which is such an amazing goal. 

I don't know how I couldn't be inspired to run my marathon (26.2 miles) in November. I have inspiration from family, friends, and amazing cancer patients who have fought, are fighting, or have lost their battle to cancer. I am so blessed to run for such an amazing organization. Please continue to donate. I am about $700 short of my goal. Thank you for your love and encouragement.